We help your company solve high-complexity problems using a variety of computational resources.
Our experience
20 Years
on IT solutions
Developing technologies, methodologies, people, and processes.
18 Years
of classroom experience
Teaching and developing professionals for the market!
13 Years
of research experience
Innovating with technology and wisdom for over a decade.
Courses taught
Teaching, interacting, creating experiences, and professionalism.
IT Consulting
Our team has over 20 years of experience in the IT field, especially in software development. So, if you have a problem in your business, talk to us. We will help you identify the issues and solve them.
We talked about your company and the problems you are facing;
We built the solution for your business;
We structured a proposal with potential solutions;
We implemented the solution;
We investigated the feasibility of implementing the solutions;
These are some companies that have applications developed by us.
Santa Casa de Guaratinguetá
Zezinho materiais de
A12 - Santuário Nacional
de Aparecida
Artificial intelligence solutions
We analyze your business data to generate artificial intelligence solutions. operacionais para auxiliar a tomada de decisão.
Haistack.ai (EUA)
Dev Training and Talent Search
For those who want to learn software development and for companies that want to find talented developers.
Free and Comprehensive Dev Training
Uma formação gratuita e completa de desenvolvimento de software com uma base sólida dos conceitos necessários para a carreira, e com a seriedade que a carreira de Dev necessita.
Find talent for your company.
Na FATECOINS Talent, com o Plano Hunter (R$ 89/mês), você pode buscar talentos de acordo com as skills e tecnologias que você precisa, validadas pela aprendizagem dos alunos e alunas dentro da plataforma.
Track the skills of your employees.
Com o Plano Hunter + Manager (R$ 189/mês), além de buscar talentos, você pode cadastrar todos os seus colaboradores e acompanhar o desenvolvimento das skills deles nos cursos que oferecemos.